YOUR LIFE WITH THE INNER MEDICINE MEDITATION PACK and Receive the Prayer Ceremony for creating right relationship!
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When you register, you get the process for the Prayer Ceremony To Create Right Relationship as well as these meditations for FREE:
- Grounding Meditation
- Shielding Meditation
- Tobacco Clearing Meditation
- Rattle Clearing Meditation
- Bands of Protection and Power Activation
- Center Yourself Meditation
- Healing To Clear A Cycling Thought Meditation
- What's Mine What's Theirs Discernment Meditation
 - What's Mine What's Theirs Clearing Meditation
- Cleaning Up Ancestral Patterns Meditation


"Heart-filled Guide to Ground Our Feet in the Earth and Our Wings in the Mystery"

Kerri's Inner Medicine is a beautiful, heart-filled guide to ground our feet in the Earth and our wings in the Mystery. May all who read this book get free of fear and step into more love for self, our Mother Earth, and the Mystery that weaves through All.
—HeatherAsh Amara, Warrior Goddess Training

"Discover Your Inner Medicine...and Light Up The World"

This book demonstrates how to discover your inner medicine so you can be your own damn guru and light up the world. Love it!
—Shaman Durek, 6th Generation Shaman and Best-Selling Author of Spirit Hacking

"A truly beautiful book that will inspire you into a greater connection"

It’s time to come together in true unity that honors every person’s inner guidance and truth. In this book by Kerri Hummingbird, a pathway to unity is charted by focusing on connecting with what we all share in common: our humanity and Mother Earth. It is a truly beautiful book that will inspire you into a greater connection.
—Sunny Dawn Johnston- Psychic Medium and Author of Invoking the Archangels and The Love Never Ends

"A must-read and the book people didn't realize they needed"

Inner Medicine is a must read and the book people didn’t realize they needed. Kerri’s insight, wisdom, and love can be felt from the very first sentence, “What this book offers you is a new way of living,” to the very last line, “Aliveness is directly correlated to innocence. So how alive do you want to feel?”
Wherever you are on your spiritual journey I am certain you will find nuggets and inspiration that will help propel you further down your path. She’s invited readers to consider the idea of making ceremony a part of their lives. It’s laid out so you have places to pause, reflect, and integrate before moving on. I personally loved how the journey is through the Medicine Wheel and what it teaches us. Kerri manages to seamlessly blend the concepts and ideas she shares with stories of her own personal journey and transformation. This is not a book “telling” you what you should do, this is a book that’s been born from her own metamorphosis and the lessons she’s learned along the way.
—James Kealiipiilani Kawainui, Native Hawaiian Healer, Mentor, and Spiritual Strategist

"I felt chills all over my body and then the tears came"

Within minutes of reading “Inner Medicine” I felt chills all over my body and then the tears
came. Kerri’s energy, words, and intentions combined with her genuine love and compassion
for humanity is so palpable. She’s not only raw and real but deeply wise. This depth comes from
living through lifetimes of trauma and working hard to rise above it. Inner Medicine is a wake-
up call not only to lightworkers but to everyone who knows in their heart that things must
change, including us. It’s also a guide that will help you wake up, break free, and transmute old
ways of being and social constructs to become a divine beacon of light. Everything Kerri
Hummingbird writes is a message straight from Source. “Mystery” is still trying to get our
attention and with powerful, inspirational, disruptive messengers like Kerri, you better believe I
am listening.
—Lisa Winston, #1 Bestselling Author of “Your Turning Point,” and Intuitive Artist

"Standing firmly in the truth of who we are. This is how we together, create the new earth."

Kerri Hummingbird Sami is one of the most courageous people I know. Not because she climbs the sheer faces of mountains, or bungee jumps off rocky cliffs. It’s because her commitment to her own deep personal exploration shines so brightly that we can’t help but be inspired to do the same. The result? Standing firmly in the truth of who we are. This is how we together, create the new earth.
—Laurie Seymour, Quantum Connection Mentor, CEO of The Baca Institute and host of Wisdom Talk Radio
kerri hummingbird sami
Kerri Hummingbird, Medicine Woman, Mother and Mentor, is the Founder of Inner Medicine Training, a Mystery School that shares potent ancient traditions from the Andes and Himalayas for owning your wisdom and living your purpose. She is the #1 international best-selling author of "The Second Wave: Transcending the Human Drama" (int'l bestseller over 186 weeks), and "Love Is Fierce: Healing the Mother Wound" which describes the most direct path to self realization. As the host of Soul Nectar Show, Ms. Hummingbird inspires people to lead their lives wide awake with an authenticity, passion and purpose that positively impacts others. As a healer and mentor, she catalyzes mind-shifts that transform life challenges into gifts of wisdom. 

Now Kerri Hummingbird brings us a wake-up call to go on a great departure from all we have ever known, step into the Mystery on an epic quest for the survival of humanity, and make a bid for power to evolve into homo luminous...the one who dreams the sacred dream of New Earth for our descendants seven generations to come.

As a chakaruna, a sacred bridge of knowledge, from the medicine people of the Andes Mountains to the Western civilization, Kerri Hummingbird invites you to remember the ancient Earth wisdom that will save humanity.

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